About Us

Our mission is to rescue the forgotten and abandoned street children of Honduras.

Our mission involves encountering these children on the streets of the cities and providing them with food, shelter, clothing and medical attention in the short-term.

Furthermore, our mission is to nurture, disciple, educate and provide vocational training for these street children in the long term. The goal of our mission is to share the love and hope that is found in knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.


World Vision describes the situation in Honduras as critical. The organization points to the impact of Hurricane Mitch, in 1998, as still affecting living conditions. Going hand in hand with the natural disaster and poverty levels is the rampant violence and corruption. It is these conditions, which led Forgotten Children Ministries founder, Stan Nowell, to hear God’s call through Psalm 9:18. “The needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever.”

Read the testimony of our Executive Director Stan Nowell and how God moved in his life.

This is our story

World Vision describes the situation in Honduras as critical. The organization points to the impact of Hurricane Mitch, in 1998, as still affecting living conditions. Going hand in hand with the natural disaster and poverty levels is the rampant violence and corruption. It is these conditions, which led Forgotten Children Ministries founder, Stan Nowell, to hear God’s call through Psalm 9:18. “The needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever.”

Read more about our story through the eyes of our Executive Director Stan Nowell and how God moved in his life.


World Vision describes the situation in Honduras as critical. The organization points to the impact of Hurricane Mitch, in 1998, as still affecting living conditions. Going hand in hand with the natural disaster and poverty levels is the rampant violence and corruption. It is these conditions, which led Forgotten Children Ministries founder, Stan Nowell, to hear God’s call through Psalm 9:18. “The needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever.”

Read the testimony of our Executive Director Stan Nowell and how God moved in his life.


The pillars of Forgotten Children Ministries are crucial to upholding the mission.


The pillars of Forgotten Children Ministries are crucial to upholding the mission.


Understanding that every building has a “cornerstone” that sets the direction for the rest of the construction, FCM recognizes that the gospel is the hope of salvation for all mankind and absolutely primary in our ministry of rescuing, and giving hope and a future to the children to whom we minister. Though we may feed them, clothe them, educate them and care for them, if we fail to share the foundation of the gospel for their lives, then we have failed. Romans 1:16, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 1 Corinthians 3:11


Understanding that in this world in which we live an education is vital, FCM strives to provide a quality education for every rescued child. For some, that is the opportunity to make it all the way to the university level. The educational opportunity offered to our rescued children is only limited by their ability, aptitude and desire.


Realizing that some of our rescued children have learning deficits and disabilities, they are offered the opportunity to learn a vocational skill, such as auto mechanics, carpentry, welding, cooking and shoe repair, etc.


In a country where the primary language is Spanish, we have learned that speaking English opens many doors and brings more opportunities, especially when applying for jobs. Therefore, we have made it a goal to teach and ensure that our rescued kids have a basic knowledge of English.

The needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever.

psalm 9:18 – nasb

grace farm

Grace Farm is a 40 acre farm owned by FCM and is located about 45 minutes from downtown Tegucigalpa, the capital city of Honduras. It is here where our rescued boys are given a new lease on life. God provided the funds to purchase this farm and we are teaching, training, nurturing and discipling the former homeless street children who now have the opportunity to reside there. Boys are separated into three houses based on their age and maturity level. Many of these boys have already experienced drugs, alcohol, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Through the ministry that takes place at the farm, these little lives are being transformed. They are being educated and they are ministered to by every mission team that serves with FCM in Honduras. A church, school, and housing for our short-term mission teams are also located on the farm, and it is through this unique dynamic that the rescued boys experience the proper and healing love of both men and women.

noah’s ark church

Noah’s Ark Church began as a part of the vision for FCM’s ministry in Honduras. It began with mission teams praying for a piece of property upon which to build a church. When God provided the property, it continued as mission teams stood on that piece of property and prayed for God’s provision to build the building. It moved forward as God touched the heart of a twelve year old boy to donate the first five thousand dollars. Suddenly, God opened up the windows and poured out His blessings and before one could imagine our prayers had been answered and the church was a reality. The church serves as a beacon of hope and light for the community of Monte Redondo where Grace Farm is located. It also serves in discipling the rescued boys who are being taught the Word of God every week and who are also ministering through preaching the word and singing in the church services. To God be the glory, great things He has done!

Our leadership


Here are some of the amazing people behind the scenes that make everything happen in our ministry.


Grace Farm

Olvin Flores
Marcial Viera
Marvin Medina
Gerardo Ramos
Julian Nunez
Amilcar Lopez
Daniel Medina
Calixto Aleman
Josue Lanza
Blanca Andino – Head Cook

Lupe Valeriano – Cook
Gladys Salgado – Cook
Nolvia Medina – Cook
Maria Dominguez – Cleaning
Julia Herrera – Teacher
Lucy Valladares – Teacher

Grace Home for Girls

Mirian Alvarado
Maria Valeriano – Cook
Miguel Meza – Administration

Noah's Ark Church

Pastor Josue Lanza

north america


Stan Nowell, Founder

Chattanooga, TN.

Honduras Executive Director

Sam Rhodes

Serving Missionaries
Sam and Ashley Rhodes
Board Members

Stan Nowell, Founder
Chattanooga, TN


Brent Barranco, Chairman
Physician, Gastroenterologist/Internal Medicine
Birmingham, AL


Ashley Senn, Vice Chairman
Birmingham, AL


Steve McPheeters, Secretary
Birmingham, AL


Bryan Arthur
Wells Fargo
Charlotte, North Carolina


Jenn Brister
Marketing Strategist
Madison, MS.


Tommy Dazzio
Birmingham, AL


Lisa Lovell
Birmingham, AL.


Lester Spencer
Pastor, St James Church
Montgomery, AL.




Forgotten Children Ministries

PO Box 36399
Birmingham, AL 35236
205 864 0176


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Forgotten Children Ministries  

PO Box 36399
Birmingham, AL 35236
205 573 4797



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